Proview PX-769N

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Preliminary Information
Release Year 2001
Leak Risk Medium
Batteries None
Mounting Technology Through Hole
Capacitor Types Aluminum Electrolytic, Ceramic
Destructive Entry No
Hardware Specifications
Display Interface Vga
CRT Guides
General Information · Repair Cautions

The PX-769N is a 17 inch CRT monitor released by Proview in 2001. This page should also aid in repairing the similar 786, 778, 720, and 722 models. These models all share the same general design with slight feature differences such as an OSD or speaker cable ports on the sides. This monitor had several revisions (between 3-6) so be sure to check if your capacitor values match.

Known Issues

Symptom or Problem Encountered

Partial Vertical collapse



Wavy distortion horizontally

Disassembly Notes

There are four screws holding the back cover on. Simply place the monitor face down (preferably on something soft as to not damage the display) unscrew the four screws and lift the cover off. To remove the PCB you will need to de-solder the grounding leads between the neck board bracket and the tube. You will also need to carefully bend out the bracket holding the PCB in as it has clips holding it in place. Be sure to remove the ribbon cable holding the front PCB with the buttons.

Original Parts

Basic PCB Name: 200-100-769N REV:C

Note: This is only accurate for Revision C. I or someone else will add another section for revision F (service manual is available for download on the internet). There is no schematic for revision B that I have seen and I do not own one.

Capacitor Specifications and Footprint Information MAIN PCB
Component Value Voltage Temp Type Brand
C510 150μf 400v 85c Aluminum Electrolytic
C521 100μf 50v 85c Aluminum Electrolytic
C694, C823, C827, C921, C940 10μf 50v 85c Aluminum Electrolytic
C825, C962 47μf 25v 85c Aluminum Electrolytic
C614, C906 22μf 50v 85c Aluminum Electrolytic
C562 47μf 16v 85c Aluminum Electrolytic
C527 330μf 100v 105c Aluminum Electrolytic
C308, C561, C933, C934 100μf 25v 85c Aluminum Electrolytic
C901, C902, C903 4.7μf 50v 85c Aluminum Electrolytic
C670 2.2μf 250v 85c Aluminum Electrolytic
C641, C672 10μf 100v 85c Aluminum Electrolytic
C526 47μf 160v 85c Aluminum Electrolytic
C530, C813 470μf 16v 85c Aluminum Electrolytic
C303, C531 470μf 25v 85c Aluminum Electrolytic
C529 1000μf 25v 85c Aluminum Electrolytic
C635 10μf 250v 105c Aluminum Electrolytic
C625 1μf 50v 85c Aluminum Electrolytic
C622 4.7μf 16v 85c Aluminum Electrolytic
C559 1000μf 16v 85c Aluminum Electrolytic
C557 220μf 25v 85c Aluminum Electrolytic
C304 220μf 35v 85c Aluminum Electrolytic
C305 680μf 25v 85c Aluminum Electrolytic
C657, C805, C807, C809 1μf 100v 85c Aluminum Electrolytic
C810 1μf 200v 85c Aluminum Electrolytic
C811 22μf 25v 85c Aluminum Electrolytic
C821, C825 33μf 16v 85c Aluminum Electrolytic
C829 .68μf 16v 85c Aluminum Electrolytic
C828 4.7μf 25v 85c Aluminum Electrolytic


Component Value Voltage Temp Type Brand
C225, C228 1μf 100v 85c Aluminum Electrolytic
C202, C232, C262 10μf 50v 85c Aluminum Electrolytic
C213, C215, C289 47μf 25v 85c Aluminum Electrolytic
C209, C239, C269 1μf 100v 85c Bi-Polar Aluminum Electrolytic
C217, C218 100μf 25v 85c Aluminum Electrolytic
C220 47μf 100v 85c Aluminum Electrolytic

Replacement Parts

Basic PCB Name

RefDes Qty Compatible Part Number Order Links

Neck Board

RefDes Qty Compatible Part Number Order Links
C225, C228 2 860021373002 / Digikey Mouser LCSC
C202, C232, C262 3 860020672010 / DigiKey Mouser LCSC
C213, C215, C289 3 860020472006 / DigiKey Mouser LCSC
C217, C218 2 860020573008 / DigiKey Mouser LCSC
C220 1 DigiKey Mouser LCSC

If parts are not available or different selection is preferred, you can use the values in the Original Parts section to perform a parametric search.

Related Links

Service manual for revision F (still useful info for other revisions):
