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This power supply was used in the Apple Macintosh Centris/Quadra 660AV, and almost certainly also the Centris 610 and Quadra 610.

For more information, see this article's corresponding Wikipedia page: Device.
This device is in the WorkNeeded:OriginalParts category because it was flagged as missing information on the original parts. It may have replacement parts listed but those cannot be assumed to be identical to the originals. If you have a list of the original parts, please feel free to add them by copying the relevant table from EditorsToolbox:Tables
Preliminary Information
Leak Risk High
Batteries None
Destructive Entry No

Known Issues

Symptom or Problem Encountered



Disassembly Notes

Original Parts

Basic PCB Name

Capacitor Specifications and Footprint Information
RefDes Qty Capacitance Voltage Mount Diameter/Size Height Lead Spacing Temp Type Brand Series
C11 1 47 µF 25 Through Hole 7mm 8mm 3mm 105 °C Electrolytic Nippon KMA
C25 1 470 µF 10 Through Hole 8mm 16mm 5mm 105 °C Electrolytic Nichicon PL(M)
C26 1 2200 µF 10 Through Hole 13mm 26mm 6mm 105 °C Electrolytic Nichicon PL(M)
C27 1 220 µF 25 Through Hole 8mm 14mm 3mm 105 °C Electrolytic United Chemi-Con LXF
C28 1 1000 µF 16 Through Hole 10mm 28mm 5mm 105 °C Electrolytic United Chemi-Con SXE
C29 1 1200 µF 10 Through Hole 10mm 24mm 3mm 105 °C Electrolytic United Chemi-Con LXF
C30 1 10 µF 35 Through Hole 7mm 7mm 2mm 105 °C Electrolytic United Chemi-Con KMA
C45 1 220 µF 10 Through Hole 6mm 7mm 2mm 85 °C Electrolytic United Chemi-Con SME
C46 1 100 µF 25 Through Hole 6mm 11mm 2mm 85 °C Electrolytic United Chemi-Con SME
C207 1 10 µF 25 Through Hole 5mm 7mm 2mm 105 °C Electrolytic United Chemi-Con KMA
C9, C10 1 330 µF 200 Through Hole 25mm 26mm 12mm 105 °C Electrolytic Nichicon GQ(M)

The recommended replacement series for Nichicon GQ is Nichicon GU

Replacement Parts

Basic PCB Name

RefDes Qty Compatible Part Number Order Links
C11 1 ESS476M025AE2EA / 25YXF47MEFC5X11 Digikey Mouser LCSC
C25 1 EEU-FM1A471B / 10YXG470MEFC8X11.5 Digikey Mouser LCSC
C26 1 10YXJ2200M10X20 / 10ZLH2200MEFC10X23 Digikey Mouser LCSC
C27 1 860080474010 / 35ZLH220MEFC8X11.5 Digikey Mouser LCSC
C28 1 RES0820102M016B / 16YXJ1000M10X16 Digikey Mouser LCSC
C29 1 EEU-FS1C122LB / 16ZL1200MEFC10X23 Digikey Mouser LCSC
C30 1 ESS106M050AE2AA / ECE-A1VKA100B / 50ML10MEFCT55X7 Digikey Mouser LCSC
C45 1 860020273009 / 16PX220MEFC6.3*11 Digikey Mouser LCSC
C46 1 860020473008 / 25YXJ100MFFC5X11 Digikey Mouser LCSC
C207 1 ESS106M050AE2AA / 50YXG10MEFCTA5X11 Digikey Mouser LCSC
C9, C10 1 LGU2D331MELA Digikey Mouser LCSC

If parts are not available or different selection is preferred, you can use the values in the Original Parts section to perform a parametric search.

Related Links
