Randall RG100es

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Revision as of 00:46, 5 June 2024 by Pencilhead2 (talk | contribs)
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For more information, see this article's corresponding Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Randall_Amplifiers.
Preliminary Information
Leak Risk High
Batteries None
Destructive Entry No

Here is a link for the schematic as well: https://el34world.com/charts/Schematics/files/Randall/Randall_rg100.PNGWORK IN PROGRESS

Known Issues

Symptom or Problem Encountered

High pitch whine when the treble knob is pulled out. Twisting the treble knob does eventually fix the issue, however it seems to happen at random times (It will go months at a time without a problem, then the next month its back for a very long time).



Disassembly Notes

  1. To disassemble you will want to remove the screws on the back panel of the amp; then gently pull on the power cable's, cable management hooks to pop the back panel off. To remove the pcb there are 4 screws on the bottom of the amp.
  2. Once the pcb has been unscrewed be care full of the 4 wires connected to the spring reverb. You will want to disconnect them before going further.

Original Parts

Basic PCB Name

Capacitor Specifications and Footprint Information
RefDes Qty Capacitance Voltage Mount Diameter/Size Height Lead Spacing Temp Type Brand Series
0 µF 0 °C

Replacement Parts

Basic PCB Name

RefDes Qty Compatible Part Number Order Links

If parts are not available or different selection is preferred, you can use the values in the Original Parts section to perform a parametric search.

Related Links
