For more information, see this article's corresponding Wikipedia page: NeXT_Computer.
This device is in the WorkNeeded:OriginalParts category because it was flagged as missing information on the original parts. It may have replacement parts listed but those cannot be assumed to be identical to the originals. If you have a list of the original parts, please feel free to add them by copying the relevant table from EditorsToolbox:Tables
This device is in the WorkNeeded:ReplacementParts category because it was flagged as missing information on replacement parts. If it has the original parts listed you may be able to search for replacements using the parametric searches available from parts distributors. If you have or make a list of replacement parts, please feel free to add them by copying the relevant table from EditorsToolbox:Tables
NeXT 983 Power Supply (Sony CR-61C)
Preliminary Information
Release Year
Leak Risk
Medium - may date from as early as 1988 and some ELNA caps have been observed to leak (see table below)