Talk:Digital Rainbow PC100B Power Supply

From Caps Wiki
Revision as of 23:50, 9 February 2022 by Akbkuku (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Is the power supply in this computer a generic part that can be found in other systems? If it isn't, my preference would to make this page about all the parts inside the computer so the "Power Supply" part of the title isn't needed. This can be changed with the "More" option next to the search box on the page to move the page to a new name. --~~~~")
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Is the power supply in this computer a generic part that can be found in other systems? If it isn't, my preference would to make this page about all the parts inside the computer so the "Power Supply" part of the title isn't needed. This can be changed with the "More" option next to the search box on the page to move the page to a new name. --AkBKukU (talk) 23:49, 9 February 2022 (UTC)